JhonnierAndrey is an independent music producer. Born January 30, 1997 in Pereira, Colombia.
Founder and CEO of the independent multimedia company JhonnierAndrey Entertainment Studios, he started building his internet-based company early in 2014 and since there he continued improving his multimedia designing knowledges, exploring sounds, rhythms and on 29 May of 2016 he released his first single titled Century under his own brand new record label, a small project that introduced him into the exciting electronic music production world.
That single was just an introduction to an original and complete work, All The Memories, his first album released on 01 July of 2016, then, more projects such as MotionLess, album released on 12 May of 2017, With All Our Heart and Fate both singles released on 08 January of 2018, a fourth single titled Reality released on 08 February of 2018 and, the most recent project This One's 4u, album recently released, on 12 May of 2018.
He is also in love with photography, software development and any other kind of media editing, that's why his company is multimedia-friendly, or media based.

About Our Brand(s)
JAES Made It
(Formerly known as MCSTUG, JCompany or JAZ Company) (often referred to simply as JAES CORP), we are a Colombian internet based company with a variety of services related to the entertainment media sharing and publishing, we have customers from all around the world through our internet services (Social Networks and our website).
The services we provide to our customers are mainly focused to Books (with aBPC), Music (with JAME) and Image/Video (all of JAES), but we also deal with Software Development (with JADS/ProNET) and SocialMedia Managing (with "& Linked Networks") all this divisions are part of the JhonnierAndrey Entertainment Studios´ family.

formerly JhonnierAndrey Entertainment Studios

JhonnierAndrey Music Entertainment
Record label dedicated to the music producing, music managing, music publishing and sharing under the JhonnierAndrey Entertainment Studios Licence Of Sharing, (Related to the jhonnierandrey.com Linked Networks).
aBPC - A Brand Publishing Company
Editorial publishing label created within the AutoresEditores.com permissions, dedicated to the editorial services as editing, managing, publishing and sharing under the JhonnierAndrey Entertainment Studios Licence Of Sharing, (Related to the jhonnierandrey.com Linked Networks).
Our brand supports personal publishing services and personal assistence for the editorial career improvement, continuing or begining. Under the personal rights, aceptance and Creative Commons Ideas.

JhonnierAndrey Development Studios
Technically known as JStudios Software Research for software improvement research, is our development label created within the Microsoft & Google permissions (Actual development licences), dedicated to the software services as creating, coding, developing, designing, managing, publishing and sharing under the JhonnierAndrey Entertainment Studios Licence Of Sharing, (Related to the jhonnierandrey.com Linked Networks).
- Our brands were created by ourselves, under some licences published online in the mentioned websites above, our services and support are only in personal way, Company support is only allowed in some cases as Music and Software, when our company has related brands associated with the Publishing or Promoting Companies.
- We also support Spanish, but our international services are only allowed in English, also if it's an Hispanic country. Spanish only works into the Colombia territory.
- Our team works with associated brands located in Colombia, Germany and United States and work only with USDollar currency.
- Phone calls are not always answered, we recommend electronic mail services.
- We only work on business days, please note that mails could be answered two or three days after you send them, if sent on Saturdays or Sundays, could take longer.
- We strongly recommend to set a detailed mail subject before you contact us.
- Before a content can be published online should pass a quality and content test, preventing possible future problems or offences.
- Services and support are international, but we respect each country policies.